Download New Mozilla Firefox 26 0

Download New Mozilla Firefox 26 0

new firefox 26.0

Hi friends, New Mozilla Firefox updates are here you can download the Firefox 26.0 pc 22.92mb setup from the below DOWNLOAD icon or choose a language from the given below download from language link

Firefox 26.0 (22.92mb)
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firefox 26.0 download
from Mozilla website

Firefox 26 What�s New

Firefox 26 introduces several new features and changes to the Firefox web browser, of which some will affect a lot of users.

All plug-ins default to click-to-play except Flash

Update: Only Java defaults to click to play, all other plug-ins remain their status.

Mozilla announced back in September that it would default all plug-ins but the Adobe Flash plug-in to click-to-play in Firefox 26.
What this means is that plug-ins will not be loaded automatically when websites load, but only on user request. This improves the security of the connection significantly, as websites cannot exploit old plug-in code or vulnerabilities in the last version of a plug-in anymore.
It does mean however that users will face challenges when it comes to accessing legit sites that require plug-ins. Instead of being able to use them right away, they need to allow the sites to load plug-ins.
For visual elements such as videos, an activate box should appear on the location of the element on the page. Firefox indicates that a plug-in is required by displaying the activate link in the center of the element.
In addition to that, you also find the plug-in indicator at the top of the page near the address of the website.
activate plug-in
Clicking on the activate link has the same effect as clicking in the icon in the browsers main toolbar. Here you can select to allow the execution right now, or allow it and remember it for future sessions.
If you select the second option, it means that plug-in contents will be loaded automatically on the website from that moment on, so that you are not bothered anymore by the feature.
Tip: While all plug-ins default to Ask to Activate in Firefox 26 with the exception of Flash, it is possible to change that state in the plug-in manager. Do the following to do so:
  1. Load about:addons in the browsers address bar.
  2. Locate the plug-in that you want to change the activation state for, it should either read "Ask to Activate" or "Never Activate"
  3. Click on the menu and change it to the desired activation status. If you want it to load at all times automatically, select "Always Activate".
Password manager now supports script-generated password fields
The default password manager in Firefox did not support script-generated password fields until now. Basically, what users did experience was that while passwords could be remembered by the password manager, auto-fill did not work out because of the dynamic nature of the login form.
This issue has now been resolved, and Firefox should not have any issues anymore saving and filling out passwords if script-generated are used.

Updates can now be performed by Windows users without write permissions to Firefox install directory (requires Mozilla Maintenance Service)
The update fixes issues where Firefox was installed for limited user accounts on Windows.  The main issue here was that Firefox could not be updated by the user of the account directly due to the limited rights of the account.
This meant that Firefox would not be updated until a system administrator would run the update, which in turn meant that the browser would be vulnerable to attacks targeting known vulnerabilities in the meantime.
The change allows updates to be performed if the Mozilla Maintenance Service is being used on the system.

Support for H.264 on Linux if the appropriate gstreamer plug-ins are installed
This improves HTML5 video compatibility on Linux, as H.264 contents can now be played using HTML5 Video provided that gstreamer plug-ins are installed.
Previously, support for this was added to several Windows operating systems as well.
Mozilla cannot distribute the necessary codecs with Firefox, but decided to use them if they are installed on the host system Firefox is running on.

Support for MP3 decoding on Windows XP, completing MP3 support across Windows OS versions
This is another one of those changes mentioned in the last paragraph. Native mp3 support has been added to Firefox running on Windows XP systems.

CSP implementation now supports multiple policies, including the case of both an enforced and Report-Only policy, per the spec
Mozilla implemented Content Security Policy (CSP) in Firefox 4. Back then, it was not based on W3C specification as there was none at the time.
Back in June 2013, CSP 1.0 was implemented in Firefox. The feature is used by webmasters to specify which domains are allowed to run scripts and styles on the web page a user is connecting to. It prevents cross-site scripting attacks among other things.
The update adds support for multiple policies to Firefox.

Other changes
When a standalone JPEG  image gets loaded in Firefox, the browser will now use EXIF orientation information to display its correct orientation.
The page loading times have been improved as Firefox is no longer decoding images that are not visible when they are downloaded. They are instead decoded when they become visible in the browser.

Developer changes
  •  Social API now supports Social Bookmarking for multiple providers through its SocialMarks functionality
  • There is no longer a prompt when websites use appcache
  • Support for the CSS image orientation property
  • New App Manager allows you to deploy and debug HTML5 webapps on Firefox OS phones and the Firefox OS Simulator
  • IndexedDB can now be used as a "optimistic" storage area so it doesnt require any prompts and data is stored in a pool with LRU eviction policy, in short temporary storage
Other development related changes are:
  • Several changes to CSS properties, --moz-text-blink has been removed, support for the image-orientation property, or position: sticky among others.
  • Several changes to HTML elements, like HTMLInputElement.width and HTMLInputElement.height returning 0 now if the type is not an image.
  • New EcmaScript 6 features like support for Generators (yield).
  • Lots of changes to interfaces, APIs and DOM
  • The Inspector supports remote now.

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